Representation essay redraft

Sarah Dobbs' theory focuses on the ideas of feminism in horror movies states that in horror movies, particularly the slasher sub genre victimise women and portray them as inferior in comparison to male representation in horror movies consequently making the protagonist a female most of the time. Not only are they represented as inferior to men but furthermore the focus on their character is on their physical appearance and sexuality rather than the actual content of the their character. This is represented as scream queens and usually targets teenage girls which leads to teen punishment in horror movies. In the one of the official trailers for this series, there was a female police women in the car with a knife in her throat. That symbolises a phallic object penetrating her throat which further sexualises the woman. Despite her position as a police officer, females are still sexualised and downgraded in comparison to men. The male dominance is really emphasised through the use of a phallic object as the victim always gets injured by it which could represent a form of pleasure (the suffering). For our summer trailer, within the group of friends there will be a hyper sexuallised female who will most likely get killed off first.
Clover's theory towards the final girl in horror movies suggests that there is always a final character in a horror movie, usually slasher as the antagonist is usually teaching a lesson (teen punishment) to their protagonist. The final girl is typically always presented as innocent and pure, usually has dull brown hair rather than blonde, which is a characteristic which has been sexualised. Nightmare on Elm Street is a pure example of a final girl being represented as innocent and having to fight off the antagonist. In comparison to Dobbs' theory, the character/protagonist has some form of dominance over the male (or a creature usually represented as a male). For our trailer, we aim to have a female amongst the group of boys to be the last character standing to represent this theory. However, to perhaps twist this concept of the final character being an innocent female, we could make her the antagonist which would reverse Dobbs' theory of females always being downgraded and sexualised. In the nightmare of elm street, Chris was represented as a masculine girl and even her name too was adapted to that which emphasises the fact that in some situations, despite the final character being a female, their character is still slyly orientated towards having a masculine character. In this movie she booby trapped her home to catch Kreuger which represented her intelligent side.
Derry's theory analyses  demonic possession which leads to ideas of religion and sexuality. The possession usually takes place in a child's body to subvert the ideas of innocence. Usually the parents grow a concern and immediately search for a priest or an exorcist to remove the evil force from the child. The child's body is therefore used as a weapon however can also be perceived, in some cases as the protagonist. An example of this is in the Poltergeist, the child is possessed which immediately subverts the ideas of them being innocent. The use of crucifixes is used to also subvert the ideas of Jesus protecting us by dying for our sins as it eliminates any sense of protection we initially have as humans in regards to religion. Furthermore, the ideas of sexuality comes from the typical idea of a girl being possessed and as the protagonist is usually represented as a male, it further emphasises the ideas of the male dominance upon a female. The female, yet again is not only sexualised, but also victimised which emphasises Dobbs' theory about females being sexualised in horror movies. 
